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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Trio Macan Artis Baru Republik Cinta

Trio MacanDah pada tahu kalo Trio Macan Artis Baru Republik Cinta Manajemen ? nah rupanya artis ini dan sang dewi persik telah menjadi bagian dari manajemenya ahmad dhani lho. Asal tau nie, personel Trio Macan yaitu Lia Ladysta, Iva Novanda, dan Dian Aditya selain heboh dengan lagu SMS nya juga pernah rame’ gara-gara kasus bugil nya menyebar. :-S

Penyayi yang berasal dari Jawa Timur ini sempet jadi kontroversi disebabkan karena di gosipin melakukan plagiat lagu SMS yang diklaim terlebih dahulu dinyanyikan oleh Ria Amelia, penyanyi asal Padang, Sumatera Barat. Tapi, sensasi ini menghilang dengan sendirinya.

Et tunggu dulu ya, meski disebut banyak pihak hanya bisa mengandalkan goyang syur seronok,mereka ternyata berhasil mengalahkan Ayu Azhari (Ada Cinta), Inul Daratista (Mau Dong), Titi Kamal (Jablai), serta Ira Swara dan Saiful Jamil(Jujur) sebagai Best Dangdut dalam Ajang Penghargaan MTV Indonesia 2006. Nah walau mereka seperti itu tapi mereka juga mempunyai prestasi lho.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Foto Hot Ratu Felisha

Ratu FelishaWow kali ini berita artis akan memberikan sedikit Foto Hot Ratu Felisha yang sekarang sedang beredar di kalangan dunia netter ini. Jika dilihat dari foto dibawah ini sepertinya Ratu Felisha sedang berjemur di sebuah pantai yang kurang jelas dimana tempatnya, tapi Istri Yusuf Julles Korsten ini sepertinya sudah kurang menarik lagi untuk di lihat, karena semua tubuhnya sudah kendor dan berlemak..... tapi jika di kasih mungkin masih banyak yang suka.....

Nah untuk itu Silakan di perhatikan baik-baik bagi para pria yang hobbi melihat foto-foto hot para artis indonesia. Mungkin ini adalah cara untuk mendongkrak Popularits artis yang sudah mulai menurun ini, jadi dengan adanya gosip ini nama Ratu Felisha kembali terdengar di telinga penikmat gosip indonesia.

Sebenarnya cukup mudah untuk mencari foto hotnya Ratu Felisha, karena sudah beredar diforum dan blog indonesia. Tapi jika anda tidak sengaja menemukannya di sini, ya mungkin ini rejeki anda.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Film Suster Keramas Dibintangi Artis Jepang+Trailer

Japanese movie star Rin Sakuragi (20) completed the shoot in Bogor, without much publicity. Rin was deeply impressed with the film-making in Indonesia. "Here is my first time playing the movie, but so much fun. Work is not tiring even more entertaining. All who work in this film as indefatigable. Although the shooting stopped several times because of rain, they all can laugh and it makes me laugh and feel great, "Rin said in a conversation with the Ciloto Warta Kota, Bogor, some time ago.

On that occasion, Rin admitted feeling ashamed for not fluent in English so the translator had to be helped.

Rin actually ever come to Indonesia. Several years ago, he came to Bali for the Japanese production filming. This time, Rin comes to films produced in Indonesia, precisely films produced by Maxima Pictures.

Although droplets of rain wetting the skin smooth, Rin Sakuragi stay motivated when I have to repeat a number of scenes. This pretty girl really enjoys working with a film crew from Indonesia. Moreover, he said, a lot of funny things that can make her laugh.

For eight days in Indonesia, according to Rin, a lot of experience he gained. Which according to one of the most exciting Rin is on the break shot, nearly the whole crew can still talk and joke.

In fact, many times the shoot had to be stopped due to sudden rain and repeated again after the rain stopped.

Although originally born girl Kyoto, Japan, is understood a joke made by the film crew, Rin finally asked the purpose of a joke.

"I think we just tired because often laughed, not because of shooting," said Rin. In Japan, Rin added, laughing is a form of health therapy and treatment of youth.

According to Rin, in Japanese, he never found the working atmosphere is full of laughter in Bogor. Making a movie in Japan, he said, very seriously and tend to rigid. "So that worked quickly tired," said Rin is able to spend a gurame fried in a typical restaurant in Bogor Sunda.

Although many jokes, movie still lived Rin seriously. Language barrier was barely cared. In fact, sometimes she plays 158 cm and hobbies are eating fried chicken, trying to understand the direction of the director, although the landing was delivered in sign language.

However, when filming and photography session finished, last weekend, Rin had shed tears. "I'm sad because all this is over. I want more time, but I am bound by contract and must abide by it. I'm still going back to Indonesia and met with these friends, "said the girl in Japan who often starred in this series and soap operas.

Rin's career since she was still rising 17 years. Although once a photo model number of adult magazines in Japan, the girl who is now settled in the city of Hyogo, also known as a model for the product kimono. After that, Rin started getting known for starring in a series of teen films. Sexy photos of Rin will appear in the pages of a special magazine issue adult male Jakarta, at the end of this year.

This is the Suster Keramas Trailer:

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Naysila Mirdad Masuk Islam Demi Dude

Udah pada tahu gak nih berita artis Naysila Mirdad Masuk Islam demi Dude agar mau menikah dengan Naysila ? karena kabar yang beredar Naysila Mirdad Masuk Islam itu memang benar adanya. Hal ini terbukti saat Naysila sedang tengah mejalani sholat di suatu masjid di daerah jakarta. Saat itu Naysila datang bersama sang ayah, saat diminta mengenai konfirmasi putri dari pasangan Jamal dan Lydia Kandau ini tidak mau memberikan komentar ia lebih memilih bersama-sama teman-temannya.

Naysila Mirdad
Dengan alasan " maaf ya mas saya sedang tergesa-gesa nih" balas sang cewek manis satu ini. setelah menjadi seorang wanita mualaf sekarang ini, sepertinya hubungan cinta Naysila dan Dude Herlina akan semakin serius nih, Karena hubungan mereka pernah di kabarkan bermasalah karena perbedaan agama lho. Jadi bisa disimpulkan Naysila masuk islam dikarenakan ingin melanjutkan hubungan mereka kejenjang yang lebih serius lagi. Benar ga tuh ???

Sunday, December 6, 2009

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