Monday, November 30, 2009
Hot Model Louise Glover Photo Gallery
Louise Glover (born 8 February 1983) is an English model, beauty queen, and photographer. She is well known from her work as a glamour model, with appearances in British lad mags, including FHM, Bizarre, Maxim, Loaded, and tabloids such as the News of the World, The Sun and Daily Star. Louise Glover is the first British model to be named "Model of the Year" in Playboy Special Editions.
Glover grew up with a troubled childhood, with drug abusing parents, in foster care, and eventually living alone from the age of 15. She struggled to become a model from an early age. At the start of her career, she was sentenced to community service for not reporting her early earnings while receiving welfare. Glover has been a continued participant in and supporter of the charity Raleigh International, which she credits for contributing to her early motivation.
You can find more Young Model Hot Pics here.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Menghadapi boss yang menyebalkan
1. Anda tidak boleh membiarkan boss anda mempengaruhi suasana hati Anda. Tetap positif dan sikap apapun dari Boss akan menjadi lebih mudah untuk ditangani.
2. Cobalah berdiskusi masalah ini dengan sahabat terdekat Anda, teman ataupun keluarga. Anda perlu berbagi mereka karena sharing itu pun juga bersifat terapi. Keluarga atau teman dekat dapat mendukung dan membantu anda melalui hari-hari yang paling sulit di tempat kerja.
3. Apabila boss anda memberikan kritikan yang tidak perlu atau bahkan tidak adil, kadang mudah sekali Anda terlarut dalam debat kusir dengannya. Biasanya konfrontasi seperti ini merupakan cerminan pribadi bos anda yang buruk (insecurity) . Jadi lebih baik Anda hindari perdebatan seperti ini terutama tentang siapa yang benar atau salah. Langsung saja dengan membahas solusinya dengan sikap tenang.
4. Ambil cuti jika problem ini mulai membuat Anda stress, sama seperti yang akan Anda kerjakan jika Anda sakit secara fisik (demam,flu, dll). Couse stress juga akan berdampak terhadap kesehatan jiwa anda (depresi).
5. Usahakan jangan sekali-kali melapor atau mengadu ke Bos-nya Boss. Kemungkinan besar mereka akan mendukung atasan Anda dan ini bisa menjadi bomerang bagi anda. Lebih baik jalin hubungan baik dengan senior di perusahaan Anda, tetapi diluar rantai komando (beda department/divisi) . Mereka biasanya akan lebih obyektif dalam menilai suatu hal.
6. Apabila sang boss menyerang Anda secara tidak masuk akal, minta dia untuk menjelaskan ulang. Ini akan membantu Boss Anda untuk bisa memahami kekurangan dalam argumennya atau mungkin mendapat pemahaman lain dari sudut pandang anda.
8. Cobalah berbicara dengan teman dan rekan di tempat kerja. Cari tahu apakah mereka menerima perlakuan yang sama dan apakah mereka setuju bahwa itu tidak adil. Hal ini berguna untuk mengetahui apakah hal ini berlaku kepada anda secara khusus atau bos berlaku tidak adil kepada semua orang.
9. Ingat, Jangan bawa pekerjaan pulang, anda hanya membayar waktu bekerja anda di kantor, bukan di rumah. Mereka tidak memiliki hak atas waktu senggang Anda di rumah.
Sekian dulu corat-coret singkat dari saya, semoga berguna bagi para wanita yang mengalami kejadian seperti di atas agar dapat menyikapinya dengan bijak.
Titik putih di kuku
Banyak hewan melindungi ujung kakinya dengan cakar, yakni kuku yang panjang melengkung dan tajam, atau telapak yang keras, yang kerap kali berguna sebagai senjata. mirip dengan yang dimiliki manusia dan hewan berkaki dua lainnya, yaitu kuku lapisan kulit tanduk yang pada setiap jari tangan atau jari kaki. kuku melindungi ujung jari tangan atau kaki, membantu adan mengambil benda-benda kecil dan dapat digunakan sebagai senjata untuk mencakar.
Meskipun kuku tampaknya sederhana, kuku belum banyak dipahami, bahkan sampai saat ini. kuku sebagian besar dibuat dari protein yang disebut keratin. Secara rata-rata kuku jari tangan bertambah panjang 1 mm setiap 10 hari. Kuku lebih cepat panjang pada musim panas dan lebih lambat ada musim dingin, lebih cepat panjang pada orang dewasa yang aktif dan lebih lambat pada orang yang sangat muda dan sangat tua.
Semua pertumbuhan kuku terjadi pada bagian pangakalnya, didalam matriks kuku. Dialam matriks kuku selalu dihasilkan sel-sel baru dan ketika sel tumbuh, mereka membentuk kuku yang sebenarnya (lempeng kuku) kearah depan menuju ujung jari tangan atau kaki.
Metabolisme matriks kuku sangat aktif, dan peka pada perubahan kesehatan anda. Kuku anda dapat mencerminkan aspek kesehatan anda yang berbeda dengan menjadi lebih tipis atau lebih tebal, patah atau beralur. Jika anda menderita stress atau demam, kuku akan sangat lambat tumbuh, dan akan muncul alur-alur horizontal pada kuku anda. Ini disebut garis "beau". Disisi lain, para penggigit kuku sebaiknya tahu bahwa kebiasaan buruk mereka sebenarnya mempercepat pertumbuhan kuku. Beberapa penyakit paru-paru dan jantung dapat merubah bentuk kuku sehingga ujung jari terlihat seperti tongkat kecil.
Lalu bagaimana dengan titik putih (punctate leuconychia) pada kuku ? menurut para ahli kulit, titi putih itu tidak ada hubungannya dengan kadar seng. Biasanya hal ini disebabkan kerusakan kecil pada matriks kuku yang membentuk kuku. Orang-orang yang mencoba menjual suplement seng melakukan kesalahan diagnosis.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Hot Model Elisandra Tomacheski Photo Gallery
Brazilian Model Elisandra Tomacheski born on October 28, 1985. Her place of birth is 5 feet 7.5 inches and 171.5 cm.
Elisandra’s hair color is blonde and eye color is blue. Her dress size is (US) 4 and (EU) 34. Her shoe size is (US) 7 and (EU) 39.
Modeling agencies where she has given her photoshoot includes Metropolitan Models - Paris, Louis Models, Y Models - SouthAfrice, Next Model Management - New York and Next Model Management - Miami.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Fashion Model Jarah Mariano Pictures Gallery:
Jarah-Evelyn Makalapua Mariano is an American fashion model. Jarah Mariano has appeared in MAC cosmetics ads, been featured in ads from Armani Exchange, Sephora, Abercrombie & Fitch, Victoria's Secret, and Rock and Republic. Mariano is in Jay-Z's "Show Me What You Got" video. She also appears in a several Old Navy commercials. She was the subject of Weber's lens for Abercrombie & Fitch.
You can find more about Hot Model Miranda Kerr Pics Gallery here.
Friday, November 20, 2009
2009 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show
Find more latest 2009 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Photo Gallery
Source :
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Fashion Model Holly Weber Photo Gallery
Holly Weber was born on September 20, 1984 in Loma Linda, California. She is a beautiful is an American actress and model. she has appeared on television programs such as CSI: NY, Las Vegas and the Geico Commercial inspired Cavemen. Holly Weber also was featured in several films such as Roger Corman's Supergator and the short film Room Servicestarring Howie Mandel. Holly was raised in the California desert with her two older siblings, a brother and sister.
You can find Model Madalina Diana Ghenea Hot Pics here.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Five Vi Rahmawati known as soap opera actress and advertising model star. Acting Emelisqi bilqis mother of this event can be found in BETAWI KOMEDI series, which aired in TransTV.
Vi itself is the former wife of a man from Malang, Setya Iwan Budiman, who officially divorced in 2006. Vi mengugat divorce her husband, after earlier often received a number of suaminnya violence.
Vi and ex-husband, and involved a protracted dispute about custody of their children by more Vi live and in the care of his father. To resolve any case Vi involving NGOs participated Children, National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA) as a place to complain feud.
The court finally won the Five Vi over the custody of their children. However, the problem does not mean complete, because the former husband appealed and bilqis still in her father's arms.
Failed to build relationships locally, Five Vi seems to like 'product' out. After the end of the northern Germany who is a driver, now since mid-2009 he was making love with a man from Italy, Psenner Mark (Marco).
Beraktingnya career, Five began expanded to the big screen. He played in the movie WANT MORE in 2008. He becomes the newest major player in the wild GHOSTS SEMANGGI BRIDGE (2009). Unfortunately because of his appearance considered to be too challenging, the movie until now not yet live.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Apakah Antiperspirant Menyebabkan Kanker Payudara
Contohnya di Australia, kanker payudara diderita lebih dari satu orang dari setiap 12 orang wanita. Lebih dari dua dekade yang lalu, laporan tentang kasus kanker payudara meningkat sebagai akibat metode diagnosis yang semakin canggih. Rumor yang popular menyatakan bahwa meningkatnya kanker payudara disebabkan penggunaan Antiperspirant yang semakin banyak. Dan mitos lama ini mendapatkan dorongan besar dengan munculnya internet dan email.
Setiap ketiak memiliki sekitar 2500 kelenjar keringat, yang dapat memproduksi sekitar 1,5 ml keringat setiap 10 menit. Keringat sebagian besar terdiri dari garam, dengan sejumlah bahan kimia lain yang sangat sedikit. Setiap sentimeter persegi ketiak terdapat sekitar satu juta bakteri. Mereka menggunakan keringat untuk bereproduksi dan melepaskan produk-produk sisa diantaranya adalah bau badan yang begitu ditakuti. Sebagian besar Antiperspirant menggunakan beberapa jenis bahan aluminium, yang tampaknya bekerja dengan bekerja menjadi gel aluminium hidroksida yang tidak larut dalam air, didalam kelenjar keringat. Gel ini menahan keluarnya keringat serta menghentikan perkembang biakan bakteri dan bau badan.
Bagian ilmiah di balik mitos Antiperspirant dan kanker ini adalah pernyataan yang ada dalam e-mail bahwa tubuh manusia memiliki beberapa bagian yang membersihkan racun di belakang lutut, di belakang telinga, selangkangan dan ketiak. Racun dibuang dalam bentuk keringat. Hal ini benar-benar salah sebenarnya ginjal lah yang membuang hasil sampingan metabolisme yang tidak di inginkan (racun). Dalam kenyataannya tujuan utama keringat adalah sebgai mekanisme untuk mendinginkan tubuh.
E-mail tadi juga mengatakan bahwa karena racun tidak dapat keluar melalui ketiak, mereka bersarang di kelenjar limpa di antara ketiak dan kuadran luar atas payudara wanita yang adalah bagian payudara yang paling dekat dengan kelenjar limpa.
Dana K. Mirik dan koleganya membahas motos ini di dalam tulisan mereka “penggunaan Antiperspirant dan resiko kanker payudara” bulan Oktober 2002. Mereka membandingkan 813 pasien yang didiagnosis menderita kanker payudara antara November 1992 dan Maret 1995 dengan 793 wanita sehat. Mereka menemukan bahwa resiko kanker payudara tidak meningkat karena kombinasi penggunaan Antiperspirant, deodorant atau mencukur rambut ketiak.
Hal yang aneh tentang mitos Antiperspiran dan kanker adalah bahwa semua itu berfokus pada factor-factor yang sedikit berperan atau bahkan tidak sama sekali dalam memicu kanker. Pada saat yang sama mitos itu mengabaikan kegiatan beresiko seperti alcohol (yang dihubungkan dengan kanker payudara) dan merokok yang di hubungakn dengan kanker paru-paru.
Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa Antiperspirant tidak menjadi penyebab terjadinya kanker payudara para wanita. Jadi masih aman kok menggunakan Deodorant dan sejenisnya, Semoga bermanfaat.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Foto|BiodataTeuku Wisnu "Cinta Fitri" Aktor Ganteng
Like say when the gala film premiere SMS (MA Suka 'like) Mega Mall in Jakarta, Tuesday (24 / 3), the Vishnu confess tingling. "What, so I was quite tickled," he said while imagine. "And the unclean if continuity," sergah star sinetron CINTA FITRI this.
Portray characters named Vishnu, bloody actors perform in Aceh are considered in the slick bergenre film comedy.
"But if the problem akting I still have much to learn from other artists or a senior," he said merendah. "Because I own a self-taught learning akting, so I need a lot of experience," he added.
As the first film, Vishnu seneng confess despite slightly fell dizzy. "The most I seneng when the process changed so its gay, I like," he said while grimace.
Teuku Wishnu Biography :
Full Name : Teuku Wisnu
Nickname : Teuku Wisnu
Place / Date of birth : Jakarta, 4 Maret 1985
Father's Name : Teuku Yusar
Mother's Name : Wuwuh A Puri
Religion : Islam
Weight : 68 kg
Height : 178 cm
Zodiak : Pisces
Hobby : Playing football, watching movies
Colour : Black, White
Music : RnB, rock alternative, hip-hop
Film : Harry Potter, Lord of The Ring, Taxi 3, Lentera Merah, Angker Batu & Rocky Balboa
* Moestopo University, Jakarta - majoring International Relation
* Frestea
* Fren
* Pop Mie
* Baso Bakar So Good
* Cinta Monyet
1. SCTV Award 2007 category : Aktor Ngetop
2. Finalis MTV VJ Hunt
* Makin Sayang
* Benar Benar Cinta (2006) - with Verlita Evelyn, Nena Rosier, El manik & Eva Anindhita
* Dua Hati
* Culunnya Pacarku
* Hidayah
* Legenda eps Si Manis Jembatan Ancol
* Cinta Fitri as Farel - with Shireen Sungkar, Rizky Hanggono, Mike Lewis, Adly Fairuz, Donita, Randy Pangalila & Metha Yunatria
* Zahira
* Gue Kapok Jatuh Cinta (2005) - with Oka Antara, Dude Harlino
* Lentera Merah (2006) - with Laudya Cynthia Bella, Dimas Beck, Kartika Indah Pelapory, Kartika Indah Pelapory
Foto|Biografi|Biodata Penyanyi Ganteng Vidi Aldiano
Full Name: Oxavia Aldiano
Nickname: vidi or enough written Vd
Place / Date of Birth: Jakarta, March 29, 1990
Education: SMU Al-Azhar 1 (AlPus) graduated in 2008
Pelita Harapan University, major Electrical Engineering,
registered?in 2008
Achievements :
-1st Champion in the event 1ncredible Band Festival 2007
-Champion-in Elfa’s Music Studio Try Out
-Best Vocalist in 1incredible Band Festival 2007
-Best Vocalist at the Electric Band Festival 2005
-Top 100 Indonesian Idol 2006
-Favorite Champion JakStuff in 2007, with Suddenly September
-First Champion Alpus Pentasan 2006
-First Champion Pop Singer Al-Azhar Festival
-First Champion Nasyid Al-Azhar Festival
The music that followed:
-Java Jazz 2005
-1ncredible-Band Festival 2007
-National MTQ-2006
-Jakarta Fair 2008
-Jajan Jazz 2008
-Amway ’s Leadership Seminar
-Electric-SMP Al-Azhar Pejaten 2007
-Bali-Fashion Week 2007
-Party-Promo Night at Al-Azhar Pejaten 2008
Vidi like :
-Photography and love all things related image manipulation
-Setup to the computer that is called Computer Freak
-Any case-related gadgets
Fashion Statement by vidi:
Classy messy with favorite clothes output Zara, Top Men, Metrox
Vidi’s idol:
- Craig David. Because Craig David’s singing that even with the fast tempo but still ragtime
- Jason Mraz. Because his song is cool and so groove
Favorite places:
Brewww - Lounge Caf?, Kemang. In addition to be a fun place to hang out with friends, vidi also appear to be regular.
The ritual Before sing :
To the rest room and relaxation.
Earthquake in Padang is a deep sorrow for the singer Aldiano Vidi. Family homes there were destroyed because of the earthquake.
Vidi's bloody singer Padang. many families are still living in the Minang realm. SR 7.6 magnitude earthquake and devastating memporak-family homes.
Fortunately, no Vidi families who became victims. during Lebaran, his family just visited the Capital and has not returned.
"My family is all from Padang. I'm sad, but all survived. Lebaran Thankfully my family was in Jakarta yesterday, has not returned to Padang. So they survived all, just a house there on the damaged and can not be used again," says Vidi encountered in Jl. Wijaya I, No. 381 A, South Jakarta.
Seeing the disaster, pelantung 'Status False' that does not want to stay silent. He wanted to do something useful for the victims. He also has plans to create a fundraiser for the victims.
"In the near future, we'll be there (Padang) with a unity of people of Padang. Although not much help but I'll entertain. My position more entertaining. For I can make them smile aja udah grateful," she said.
Foto|Biodata|Biografi Ricky Harun Pemain Film Seksi
Full Name : Ricky Chilnady Pratama Harun
Nickname : Ricky Harun
Place / Date of birth : Bandung, 12 Januari 1987
Father's Name : Hendra Rahtomo (son of Rachmawati Soekarnoputri)
Mother's Name : Donna Harun
Religion : Islam
Zodiak : Capricorn
Colour : Black
* Inikah Rasanya (2003-2005) - with Alyssa Soebandono, Gilbert Marciano, Nadia Vega, Fedi Nuril
* Pinokio & Peri Biru (2005)
* Penjaga Hati
* Sherina
* Mak Comblang Jatuh Cinta
* Rumah Pondok Indah (2006) - with Asha Shara, Chintami Atmanegara & Indah Pelapory
* Pulau Hantu (2007) as Dante - with Kartika Ayuningtyas, Rini Oktaviani
* Kawin Kontrak (2008) as Jody - with Lukman Sardi, Dimas Aditya, Masayu Anastasia & Mieke Amalia
* Syahadat Cinta (2008) as Irsyad - with Arif Rahman, Imel Putri Cahyati, Cantika Atmenagara, Adhitya Putri, Hengky Kurniawan
* Kawin Kontrak Lagi (2008) - with Lukman Sardi, Cut Mini Theo, Wiwid Gunawan, Thalita Latief and Deby Ayu
Koleksi Foto dan Biografi Christian Sugiono
Christian Sugiono or Tian / Sugi is a european decent. His mother is German, while his father is javanese, Indonesian. Christian Sugiono is the second son from three siblings. Although he has a european featured face, he has been living in Indonesia for all his life. He went to Charitas primary school (SD) and junior school (SMP), and finished senior high school (SMA) in Pangudi Luhur.
During in high school years, Christian Sugiono was active as the head of High School Organization (OSIS) in SMU Pangudi Luhur, 1998 - 1999. In addition, he had also a band called Foto. Christian can play Piano, Guitar, Bass and Drums. In 1998, his band occupied the # 2 position in the Indie lapan Prambors. Once he completed the high school, he eventually left his band because he had to go to Germany.
The first career step for Christian was started when he was in High School. In 1997, he had a contract as a cover boy on Hai Magazinein. Then, in the following years, he became a model in the commercial ads and video clips.
From 2000 until 2006, Christian Sugiono lived and studied in Hamburg, Germany, majoring Information Technology at Technische Universität Harburg - Hamburg, but did not finish because he decided to return to Indonesia and became an actor. Outside of being an celebrity, Christian is also doing another job, a web designer. This skill he got it when he was in the college in Germany.
In the beginning of 2006, Christian returned to Jakarta and focusing his career in the entertainment industry. With his handsome european face, he can get the movie role easily. One of the film he played was malaysian production "Tipu Kanan Tipu Kiri" which was released in Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, Singapore and India. In this film, Christian played a major role with Titi Kamal.
Foto Seksi Presenter Cut Tari|Biografi|Profil
Cut Tari Aminah Anasya, called ordinary of Cut Tari ( born in Jakarta, 1 November 1977; age 31 year) is a presenter and player of sinetron Indonesia. Dance to still has the Aceh blood from its parent. Dance to have profession as presenter and player sinetron in world of entertainment amusement fatherland. Cut Tari the Merried by Johannes is Yusuf Subrata is date of 9 January 2004.
Woman bleed the Acheh – This West Sumatra have carved the moment achievement still in bench SD. He become the champion of Musabaqoh Tilawatil Holy ( MTQ) mount the RW. He have time to learn the piano and organ, is but desisted midway. Stepping on 13 year, chummy woman addressed by this Ully become to fond of the mejeng of in front of camera. Since childhood he is true like made a picture. its Career journey in artist world of early from following election of Wrapper GIRL 1991. From This, he have opportunity to get the adolescent cosmetic product advertisement that is Youth in the year 1993. At the time he age have 16 year.
Koleksi Foto Pribadi Seksi Julia Perez
As seen in some photos that recently circulating on the Internet mailing list, the owner "Belah Duren" single, looks sexy and relaxed with some friends and while Posing alone.
There are five picture, the images seem to Julia's private collections. This is seen! from the photo when Julia Perez wear blue shirts with white short cardigan.
Julia Perez in the photo is seen taking pictures with the camera itself or the pocket can be a mobile phone. Julia Perez looks so sexy with the chest Clearly visible and the Thigh looks a little bit at the bottom of the image.
At other story nà Julia Perez comfortable and feel less confident with the size of her breast considered large enough. This condition was feel when he began to go Adolescents. "high school class when I was trying to hide my penis. That spelled Macho," said Julia Perez at Planet Hollywood
However, it's all past. Now he! r will to decrease the size of her breast is gone from her mind. Julia Perez is grateful that it has given the excess. "Now I Realize that I must accept God's love for me. So this is me," he said.
With all the advantages it held, did not want to confess Julia Perez labeled as the actress who simply sell elegance body. "I can prove that I can act. The prove is, I act at Kembang Setaman movie in which a lot of good. All I do in accordance with her part. Despite only playing for one scen! E, will try to play with the total, "said Julia Perez proud.
Breast Toket PerezFoto Julia Julia Julia Perez PerezToket Plump